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Lake Superior Ice Festival: Sterling Silver Studios Ice Characters & Princesses & DCHS Coronation

January 27, 2024 @ 11:00 am 2:00 pm

Kids – join our Characters and Princesses at the Fairlawn Mansion this year for a meet and greet and photo opportunities. Keep your eye open in front of the museum for some sightings as well! While you are there, you can take a free tour of the first floor of the mansion!

At Noon, the Canine King & Queen Contest & Felines of the Festival Coronation Ceremony will take place at Fairlawn Mansion on the front porch. Details of the contest: Canine King & Queen Contest, Felines of the Festival Contest and Lord & Lady of the Festival Contest!

Visit www.lakesuperioricefestival.com for complete event details.

No regular tours will take place this day.